🌊Liquidity strategy

Trade Smart

Our company has outlined a detailed strategy for income distribution and maintaining liquidity for our NFTs.

❗// Please note that this is an example
❗// Actual prices may vary.

❗This month, we have set aside 54% of our total income, which amounts to $9,180 from the total of 17 000$, to distribute among our NFT holders. Our primary goal is to ensure that there is ongoing activity and liquidity in the market. To achieve this, we are rolling out a campaign that encourages NFT holders to buy and sell actively. The more trading volume a holder engages in, the higher the chance that we will purchase their NFT at a fixed price, using the income generated.

For example, in the first month, we plan to use $9,180 of the income to buy 20 NFTs at a price of $500 each, from the wallets with higher trading activity and a stronger holding power of our NFTs. Then, as we progress into the next month, we intend to increase the buying price to $700, and to continue adjusting it based on floor pricing and the need to maintain liquidity and stable pricing.

Our aim is to encourage patient holding and to discourage "paperhands" (impatient sellers). We want our holders to know that their NFTs will be bought every month using our income, thus supporting price appreciation and maintaining liquidity. The NFTs purchased using the company's income will be burned; This strategy will contribute to a healthy and sustainable NFT collection.

If your NFT wasn't purchased this month, don't be discouraged. You still have every opportunity to be selected next month. Simply maintain your holding power and engage in trading activities. Your patience and active participation could lead to your NFT being chosen for purchase every month.

Essentially, our strategy involves filtering out paperhanded sellers and setting NFT prices at a stable rate that rise every month. Your active participation is crucial for the success of this approach. Without your involvement, our strategy will not be as effective.

Your holding power is integral to your influence within our platform. We will review every wallet on a monthly basis, and as our collection is meant to expand continuously, there is no urgency to sell your NFT right away. You can benefit from the other aspects of our roadmap by holding onto it.

Last updated